OOC Administration Document

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In order to maximise efficiency and involvement in the OOC administration of Igen Weyr on PernMUSH, we have separated IC power from OOC power. This means that characters in a position of IC power (Senior Weyrwoman, Weyrleader, Weyrsecond, Headwoman, etc) hold no OOC power beyond what they volunteer for (however they will still be expected to be mature, responsible players). Instead of the traditional IC+OOC authority system, Igen Weyr will be administered by an Administration Council of three or five players.

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Council size -- the council must always have an odd number of members; three is the recommended number, however, should size, activity, and requests for involvement demand it, the council may be increased to five. The decision to increase must be a unanimous vote.

Member Rotation Policy -- should a member decide to step down, all three/five members must sit down and discuss who they would like to see step into place. New members may be recruited (asked on) or volunteer (with the position advertised through a +bbpost), but the new member must have a majority vote of the current members.

IC Staff -- the replacement of the IC staff will, for the most part, be left to their own discretion. However, the playerbase may petition for an IC staff member's removal/replacement due to idleness or behavior problems.

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Duties and Responsibilities -- the council should be run to its members' strengths: exact divisions of duties are subjects to the members' preferences. However, should a matter of contention arise, it should be reviewed by all members, and put to a majority vote. Other issues that require full-council attention and voting include: transfers, instariders, player/character banning, visiting staff (for example, a visiting Weyrlingmaster), approving IC-staff characters, and changes to the administration set up.

WeyrCouncil -- as a general rule, the two members who have been on the Admin Council the longest should have the voting privileges on the WC, while the third is the vote-less observer; however, if the members would rather arrange them differently according to their strengths, that is allowed.

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Modification -- should the council wish to modify the administrative structure (either changing the council format or more radical changes back to the tradition power structure) a unanimous vote is required for any changes. Additionally, this document must be edited to reflect said changes, and a notification should be posted to the IGW +bboard alerting the area's players to the new system.

This document -- this document must be posted and available for public viewing at all times (in its most recent/updated form). It should either be part of/linked to on the Igen Weyr site or, if kept on a separate site, the url must be kept on the IGW bboard.


This document was written primarily by Josilina.

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