Threadfall (and how to run one)

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Every Weyr's life revolves around Threadfall. For the entire Pass, week in and week out, riders, residents, and the areas protected by the weyr regularly muster against the ancient enemy. Every inhabitant of Pern is affected by Thread, often hugely. There is no escape! This page is intended to be an OOC resource about falls.

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Running a Threadfall at Igen Weyr

The following are guidelines for running an on-camera threadfall at Igen Weyr. Anyone with an Igen Weyr knot is eligible to run a fall. If you are interested, please speak to the Weyrleaders. Please feel free to direct any questions about these guidelines to the Weyrleaders.

Once approval is obtained from the Weyrleaders...

  1. +bbpost, asking people to +mail you with their best times and dates. You can try to accommodate everyone as much as possible.
  2. Clear the date and time with the Weyr Leadership (Weyrleader, Weyrwoman, Weyrsecond(s), Jr. Weyrwomen, Headwoman* and Steward*). If there are Weyrlings, check with the Weyrlingmaster as well.
  3. Once the date is cleared, +bbpost and add the Fall to +levents (+levent/help).
  4. Speak to the Headwoman* and Steward* about organizing a ground crew.
  5. Choose a location and communicate with their leadership to clear having the Fall in their sky room and to see if there can be pre- and post-Fall RP there.
  6. Choose someone to do the @emits for the Fall (this can be yourself, but it doesn't have to be). These can be done remotely via a puppet if the player prefers.
  7. Anyone who wants to be injured should clear it with their Wingleader or the Headwoman*, depending on whether they are a rider or a resident. Any dragon injuries must be cleared with a capable dragonhealer.
  8. Ask someone -- a Wingleader, Weyrleader, Weyrsecond, etc. -- to lead the Fall. This is important so that everyone knows who's in charge, and whom to follow when entering and leaving the sky room.
  9. Send an invitation to the healers and dragonhealers. Don't forget to include the ones who actually live in your Weyr!

* At the current time Igen Weyr lacks a Headwoman and Steward.

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