Hobbies and RP

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Suggestions about Hobbies or Talents for RP

Remember -- these are just suggestions. It's just as fun to RP having no talent for anything whatsoever as to RP having a knack for making taffy. If you think of something not on this list, and it seems reasonable to you, by all means try it out. And above all, have fun with it.

Having a hobby can help contribute to RP -- perhaps you have a talent for producing fine embroidery, which you can trade to another rider for that rider's particularly tasty ale. Perhaps you have a modest talent for sketching which you use to produce gifts for your friends -- in a world like Pern, most people won't have portraits of their friends and loved ones to remember them by, and a rider's life is particularly hazardous.

In any case, a hobby can be used to stimulate a little RP when things get slow, or just add a little flavor to the standard klah-sipping RP in the living cavern late at night. Whether you want to RP finding someone who can teach you what you want to know, or just RP having had this talent or hobby all along, just keep in mind these things:

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Hobby Suggestions

When choosing a hobby or talent for your character, keep in mind the area they grew up, any contact with Crafters they may have had as children, that sort of thing. Someone who grew up in Tillek might have a knack for macramé or knitting heavy fisherman's sweaters, or both. Someone who grew up in Keroon might have a skill at embossing or tinting leather harnesses or leather in general. Or be able to translate their hobby of braiding attractive lead-ropes into something more fitting with Weyr life. Or not -- there's always the odd Gather or Traders coming through as an outlet for your excess creations.

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