Home > Weyrling Information > Weyrling Reference Room > Rules
- Salute all riders above your rank, which is everyone not a weyrling!
- Keep hair closely cropped (not a rule, but a STRONG suggestion).
- Always carry yourself with good deportment and pride.
- No romantic or sexual relationships until Senior Weyrlinghood. PERIOD.
- Obey all orders from WLM, AWLMs, Weyrleaders, and lawful/reasonable orders from other members of the Weyr. If an order seems unreasonable or unlawful, you should still follow it, but bring it to the attention of the WLM.
- Keep yourself and your dragon healthy emotionally and physically at all times.
- Always show respect to the leaders of Weyrs.
- Do not get yourself, your Weyrling wingmates or the holder's daughters pregnant.
- When outside the Weyr, always remember you represent the Weyr. Behave with honor, respect, and show personal control and restraint (ie, don't scratch in public, get drunk, break hold rules or have knife fights).