Dragon Sounds
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- BUGLE -- a trumpeting noise, made for a variety of reasons, but usually triumph, terror, warning or joy.
- CHIRPLE/CHIRRUPING -- A quick, high-pitched single note noise, having 101 usages including yes, no, greetings, farewells, etc. (more common in firelizards).
- CROON -- A long, drawn out soft and vibrant sound, very similar to a normal cat's purring, used to express happiness, often brought about by being scritched (especially upon the eye-ridges), but can also used to show concern for another.
- KEEN -- A slow, sad wail, very painful to a human's ears from a normal-sized dragon, though not too bad from a firelizard. Mainly used at the death of another, but also used any sad circumstances.
- SCREECH -- A sudden loud noise, some times can be painful to the human ear, let alone any other creatures more sound sensitive, similar usage to a humans shout, or a canine's bark. Used to express anger/surprise, and sometimes joy.
- WHUFFLE -- A happy noise, very similar to a canine's wuffle. Requires the whole body to spasm to throw the noise and wind gusting out, used to show amused interest, or in some cases, alarm.
- WHUFFLING -- Several whuffles strung together in a draconic laugh, if too loud then the spasms needed can easily throw a dragon off balance.